Report on Her Innovation Cameroon outreach at Bova

Education is the bedrock of growth and developmentand it is essential for every child to be educated. Due to the ongoing crisis in the two Anglophone regions in Cameroon, most children have been forced to suspend studies for a variety of reasons most of which are stemmed from the impact of the crisis. Her Innovation Cameroon (HIC) in partnership with LESA Supreme Batch of 96/01 came up with an initiative themed “Humanitarian Response to the Anglophone Crisis: Encouraging School Resumption” with the main aim of helping the most vulnerable resume school efficiently and to effectively go about this, they decided to reach out to some pupils.

The outreach took place at the government nursery and primary school Bova on the 15th of October 2021.The distinct focus of this outreach was placed on (GNPS) because of the high level of vulnerability of its pupils.

The HIC team comprising of volunteers and staff of Her Innovation Cameroon (HIC) led by Ms. FutihLaura, Ms. Eyabi and Ms. Gwamesia Sheila Feharrived the school campus at 12noon and was warmly received by the headmistress and some members of the staff. They had a brief discussion on the mission of the outreach while this discussion was taking place, the chosen vulnerable pupils were being ralliedinto a classroom at the nursery section of the campus.The team was then ushered into the classroom and were gladly welcomed by the pupils through a welcome song.

The pupils received a talk from Ms. Futih Laura, Ms. Eyabi and Ms. Gwamesia Sheila Feh encouraging them to keep studying hard in order to become future nurses, doctors, engineers. Ms. Eyabi GwamesiaSheila went on briefing them on the reason for thevisit and how the team is pleased to see them and help them resume school effectively.

The team went on sharing the items they had prepared for the pupils that is books and pencils were handed to the pupils of class three, bags were given to those in class four and tuition fee for those in nursery one and two, class five and six was handed to the head mistress of the nursery section of GNPS Bova.

The pupils were asked to read the information on thebanner brought by the HIC team and one class six pupil was able to read and was rewarded with a school bag and pencils.

The visit was closed with a word from the headmistress and word of gratitude from the pupils. HIC team handed the extra bags, pencils and books, facemasks to a member of the GNPS staff which will be handed to some other deserving pupils. Picture taking followed with interviews and well wishes from the pupils and teachers to the HIC team.

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