Bomaka , Buea Covid -19 Outreach Carried out By Her

As a follow up to its previous Covid 19 sensitization outreach in Buea especially the neglected suburbs, on the 29th September 2021, a team of twelve made up of volunteers and Her Innovation Cameroon (HIC) staff led by Ms. Eyabi, Gwamesia Sheila Feh and Mr. Praise Wandia, It should be noted that these youth-led outreaches on Covid 19 sensitization is always in partnership with Global Youth Mobilization (GYM). The main aim is to “Demystify the myths and skepticism about covid-19 and the vaccines”. The team as usual sensitized and shared reusable face masks and some PPE like hand washing liquids, buckets and sanitizers to the populace of Bomaka. The special focus once more on this outreach was placed on Baptist Primary School Bomaka, Buea. This location was targeted because it is residence to a substantial number of youth between the age of 7 years to 35years old.

The HIC team arrived at Baptist Primary School at about 10:15am and was warmly received by the Headmaster and members of staff. The team had a brief talk on the mission of the outreach with the Headmaster while the pupils were being rallied to a single classroom where they were to receive the HIC team.

The team was ushered to a classroom  and were gladly welcomed by the pupils. The pupils received a kind introduction from the team followed by a 30min briefing by Ms. Gwamesia Sheila on conspiracy theories surrounding Covid 19 and the benefits of being vaccinated against Covid 19. Drills were done to determine the rate of the pupils understanding of the preventive measure prescribed by the World Health Organization.

Ms. Sheila further went on to encourage the pupils to follow these preventive measures and insist that they teach their parents too and asked to be vaccinated against Covid 19. She insisted that with the presence of the new Delta variant, it is no longer valid that the virus does not affect the children due to their stronger immune system. Emphasis was placed on the fact the Covid 19 vaccines are not threats to their health but rather be seen as a protective mechanism for them as an individual, the person next to them and community at large.

The pupils were now open to post their questions. A majority were shy but however a few brave pupils did ask some questions among which was “How old should a person be eligible to take the vaccine?” which was answered to be 12years old. Another smart question popped up from a pupil asking if a person with health complications like aids, diabetes and cancer should take the vaccines. This question was answered with utmost precision that before going for vaccination, an individual is advised to get the counsel of a doctor.

The program was closed by a word from the Headmaster and a work of gratitude from the pupils and fellow staffs. The HIC team handed over a wash bucket, detergents and hand sanitize to the Headmaster and shared face masks to the pupils for effective commencement of the preventive measures. The team was further assured by the Headmaster that they will use the preventive equipment donated by HIC in partnership with GYM for the designed purpose faithfully. A determined but fulfilled team left the Baptist Primary School premises with hopes that the community is better equipped to fight Covid 19.

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