It was a blossom for the children and management of St. Glory Orphanage on Monday, 10th October 2021. St. Glory Orphanage is located at Untared Malingo a few kilometers from Malingo Junction. On this faithful Monday, the management and children of St. Glory Orphanage entertained a visit from a four man team from Her Innovation Cameroon (HIC) which was led by the President of HIC Md. Futih Laura Nge. The purpose of this visit was to encourage the orphans to gain and sustain a healthy self-esteem and to offer aid to the orphanage management for the sake of the children.

The team arrived the orphanage at about 2pm and was welcomed with sweet melodies from both management and the children. At that point, hospitality was evident and they were all in great joy to have the HIC’s team.

The children immediately rallied in the hall pending and exchange with the HIC team. Th children received an open statement from the orphanage mother which was followed by a word from the HIC’s President. 

HIC’s President in her talk made it known to the orphans the greatest powers of change rest within themselves and to unlock these powers a good self-esteem and confidence accompanied with education is the key. HIC’s President expressed her feeling of fulfillment having being opportune to spend time with the children and offer them gifts from HIC.

The older children and internally displaced persons (IDPs) were given some extra words of encouragement and empowerment. In return they all showed their appreciation to HIC’s President.

The HIC President concluded on the tune the organization would have given more to support the orphanage but resources has only permitted the little which was present there but with the blessings from God, more is bound to come.

However, the President on behalf of HIC pledged the loyalty of HIC to support and do more for the orphanage not leaving other vulnerable children outside the orphanage and promised the orphanage will be seeing more of and having more from HIC in the future.

With a heavy heart filled with joy, the orphanage management expressed their heartfelt gratitude and a few children took delight to express personal gratitude and words of blessing and divine favor.

The HIC team went further to offer the children lunch parks which had been prepared specially for the children. The items among which was 50kg of rice, 10L of vegetable oil and more were handed to the orphanage management in the watchful eyes of the children. The children ate and showed gratitude once more as well as the orphanage management mentioned appreciation for everything and the blessings HIC has showered them faithfully.

Upon conclusion, the orphanage management made it known to HIC’s team it is a struggle to carter and feed the children effectively given there are limited resources to accommodate the children efficiently. This was a total shout for help and they will greatly acknowledge and appreciate all the aid they can get.

The HIC team zoomed off the orphanage premises with a fulfilled soul and a spirit willing to offer more in the nearest future as resources will permit.

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