About Us

Who We Are

The HIC is a non-governmental, apolitical and non-profit making organization focused on advocating for the rights of women and girls, foster Women and girls’ interest in STEM (science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), enhance STEM education for girls and ensure they have access to all needed resources. It seeks to engage girls and women from all the ten regions of Cameroon in the participation and inclusion in governance processes through seminars, conferences and projects. In addition, these women and girls will be mentored through high school, college and into career life to prevent women from abandoning STEM fields.

Our Vision

Our Vision is to provide and exploit a challenging learning environment in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math, which maximizes individual potential and ensures that all those we with are well-equipped to meet the challenges in the world around them(such as healthcare, food insecurity, insecurity and unemployment. Thus establishing a country and continent where women and girls are presented with equal opportunities with their male counterparts especially in the STEM fields and enabling women to live confidently void of fear participating equally in governance processes and promoting growth and development. A country where the rights of minorities especially disabled women, children and elderly are catered for and they live in comfort.

Our Mission

HIC’s mission is to provide students especially girls and women with a mind blowing learning experience through practical and relevant content that dwells mostly on STEM related fields to produce people with sound critical, logical and problem solving skills needed to solve imminent pressing problems.

Our Goals

Enlisted below are the goals/objectives of HIC